Frequently asked questions
I have allergies. Are your classes suitable for me?
All our chefs have received full allergy training and are used to working around allergies. We try our best to accommodate you.
I am fairly experienced in the kitchen. Will I still benefit from your classes?
Almost certainly. Our chefs are professionally trained and experienced, and have a wealth of knowledge to draw on. However, if there is a particular skill or technique that you’d like to learn, a private class in your own home may be a more suitable option. Call or email us for a chat.
I have no experience in the kitchen. Will your classes suit me?
Absolutely! Our classes are small and suited to all abilities. Your chef will fully demonstrate every step, and we encourage everyone to work at their own pace with as much or as little help as you need or want.
Will I get messy?
It depends on you really! We provide aprons to wear during the course to protect your clothing. We recommend that you remove rings with stones when working with ingredients such as fish and spices.
What do I need to bring with me?
You will need to bring Tupperware containers to take home any food you make during the day. Everything else, including an apron to wear, is provided.
What shall I wear?
Wear whatever you feel comfortable in. You must wear closed toe shoes, and we advise tying long hair back and leaving precious jewels at home.
Can I bring a friend to a class?
We’re afraid not. All people attending must be paying participants in the class.
Can I buy a course for a present for someone?
How lovely! You can buy vouchers in the shop section of our website or by calling us on 07771 880499.
What kind of vouchers can I buy?
We sell vouchers for particular courses, or to a monetary value which can be spent on a course or on items in our online shop. Do call if you’d like advice on which is more suitable. All vouchers are valid for one year from purchase.
What is your hygiene rating?
The Groovy Goose has a hygiene rating of 5. We take cleaning procedures and hygiene seriously and have been fully trained in kitchen health and safety.